Concilium Allocutios

Souls of Our Departed Legionaries Legion of Mary Handbook, Pages 103-105, Chapter 17


It would seem that no one in this life is guaranteed a holy death. No guarantee that our passage from this world to the life of eternity will be a tranquil transition not fraught with fear and worry. But as Legionaries, we are never alone in our living or in our dying. On both sides of eternity we are surrounded by the prayers, consolation, and host of faithful brother and sister legionaries. When we are dying we enjoy the endless intercession of brothers and sisters here in this world and upon arriving to eternity, there too our brothers and sisters who have gone before us await. They open wide their arms to welcome us and celebrate the victory of another Legion member who has fought the good fight. But our confidence in death as it is in life does not rest solely upon being a member of a spiritual family, nor the prayers and supplications of its members living and deceased. No. Our confidence comes from being Legionaries of the Queen of Heaven and Earth, devoted children of the Mother of God whose realm and reign extends over us no matter where we are. With motherly care and concern she watches over us and prepares us as we strive to be good and faithful children. With her heavenly regal power and influence, she obtains all necessary graces and blessings we need to fulfill our duties and gain salvation. How then do we mourn the loss of our beloved brother and sister Legionaries? With faith and confidence, and we attend to our dying brothers and sisters, surrounding them with every prayer and hope. With faith and confidence we mourn their passing from this life, thanking God for them and expressing our every consolation to their families. With unshakeable faith and certain hope in the love and mercy of our Savior and his mother, we celebrate in joy the victory of our brother or sister and the fulfillment that the Legion will reassemble without the loss of anyone.

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